An emotion beginning with the monologue: "Novecento, pianist" by Alessandro Baricco, who described in his suggestively suggestive style the impressions of a nascent pianist, playing and shutting himself up on a boat.
It was the creator Michel Pastore of his Egyptian oasis who enjoined us to read this monologue, which we did aloud on the banks of the Loir, thus allowing us to live a poetic sublimation at the water's edge.
The emotion has matured in Giuseppe Tornatore's film "The Pianist on the Ocean", which depicts Baricco's monologue, and which has wonderfully revealed the pianist's scene playing on a moving piano. The ocean pitched the ship and the piano terribly. The pianist said simply: "- Loosen the brakes ...". What a brilliant idea, just "Loosen the brakes ..." is liberation. The instrument is no longer fixed to the ground, it drifts ... ..
But he stays in the boat ...
Then comes the urge to get the piano out of the boat.
We have in the kitchen a submarine piano small enough to be moved easily. We installed him in a clearing to give an impromptu concert at the turn of a path.
Enjoy the fun of playing outside, playing outside ... but the piano that is no longer in the boat is again riveted to the ground. Enjoy space, but not movement ...
How to get the piano out of the boat and keep the movement of the sea? How to enjoy space and movement at the same time?
... by motorizing the piano: autonomous, fluid, open, space, movement and freedom in weightlessness: a Magritte ...
The idea was born, the wise men came:
The Cie Jo Bithume of Angers provided the case of a shipwrecked piano (decor of the show "the castaways of the piano bar"),
Erwan Belland (brilliant technician of the Royal de Luxe and Cirkatomic Company of Nantes) brought the concept and the realization of the technical ensemble, he gave the physical and spiritual structure with an intact ideal.(all removable in the space allocated for transport).
Cortes built the sound "JL Cortes es special piano concert"
Les Vaguement la Jungle of Vendée communicated the joy of the street
The piano was built in a hangar in Nantes which also housed a steelband. We were good neighbors.
Tommy Crichlow, coming from Trinidad to grant the steeldrums, had the grace to name the craft, because like most Chinese it is not francophone and that like all tuners, it is a little deaf.
These good fairies will never be thanked enough for allowing the realization of this emotion